How We Began
Coach Praxis was originally launched as The Academic Coach Project. It was designed to leverage life coach practices for educators. Opportunity met with capacity, and GROWTH HAPPENED!
Program Philosophy
Our guiding principles include: evidence-based approaches to life coaching practice, delivered using experiential method, that emphasize techniques that lead to conscious competence and adheres to ethical standards.
Our Work
The Coach Training Workshop is a professional pathway to life coaching that teaches method, technique and skill developent.
Our Master Class offerings provide coaches with strategies to increase their effectiveness.
Get in Touch
To stay abreast of new training deliveries, join our mailing list below at the Constant Contact tab.
To inquire about onsite coach training, staff development, or technical assistance, please submit an inquiry under the Contact tab.
New Dates for Online Coach Development Programs
REGISTRATION OPEN for 2024 Training Workshops
These newly updated training offerings
responds to the desire for online coach training,
minimizes cost for travel in a "post-COVID" reality,
and provides an opportunity for you to complete the
training requirements for the Academic Coach credential
and start the process for national certification as a
Board Certified Coach.
Learn how to elevate your Game as an Educator by serving as an Academic Coach!
Registration for COURSE OFFERINGS are OPEN!
CLICK COURSE BOX for registration link.
(New Masterclasses will be announced SOON!
Subscribe NOW to receive new course offerings for CEUs)